Second Life Aviation Wiki

The Bell 212 Twin Huey (ICAO: B212 / WAKE: LIGHT) is a two-blade, twin-engine, medium helicopter. Created in Second Life by Spijkers & Wingtips, the aircraft was based on the real-life Bell 212 Twin Huey manufactured by Bell Helicopter.


Originally manufactured by Bell Helicopter in Fort Worth, Texas, production on the real-life 212 was moved to Mirabel, Quebec, Canada in 1988, along with all Bell commercial helicopter production after that plant opened in 1986. The 212 is marketed to civilian operators and has a fifteen-seat configuration, with one pilot and fourteen passengers. In cargo configuration the 212 has an internal capacity of 220 ft³ (6.23 m³). An external load of up to 5,000 lb (2,268 kg) can be carried.

Spijkers & Wingtips's Bell 212 comes equipped with a cargo hook/winch system, rescue basket, harness, search light, quick rope system, and several liveries (Fire Rescue, LCPD, and US Army textures). It is also extremely customizable, with independent vendors developing additional equipment for the helicopter. Like all S&W helicopters, the aircraft uses an incremental collective/cyclic flight system and is fully modifiable.


  • Pilot's heads-up display (HUD) attachment.
  • Functioning cockpit instruments with:
    • Altimeter, vertical speed, airspeed, compass, artificial horizon, and fuel gauge indicators.
    • Electronic flight instrument system (EFIS) with region mapping.
    • Instrument lighting.
  • Animated components (main rotor, tail rotor, x4 entry hatches).
  • Exterior lighting (navigation lights, strobes, beacon, and front-facing search light).
  • Cargo winch system with cargo hook and rescue basket/harness.
  • Emergency floatation system (optional).
  • Incremental collective/cyclic flight system.
  • Optional simulated fuel (DSA Fuel).

