Community Airstrips are defined as having:
- Paved or packed-earth level runway/landing field.
- May or may not provide some form of temporary parking.
- Other special features, if any, will be listed under "notes."
Is in fourth category (4), and is subdivided in three others, if it is at ground (4g), on a platform (4p) or in the sky (4s).
All items (277)
- Banc aux Cocos Airfield
- Baron's Marina & Airport
- Basilisk Skyport
- Bay City Midway Field
- Beethoven Airfield
- BELARGIO Hacienda Community Airstrip Soju
- Belmondo Airport
- Birdies Avaland
- Birdies South Skyport
- Blue Shark Marina & Airport
- Bluemlisalp Airfield
- Blung Airfield
- Bodega Skyport
- Bombs Bay Airfield
- Bowdoin Municipal Airfield
- BRA AIR Headquarters
- BrendaRex Harbour & Airstrip
- Bridgeport Airport
- Broken Kitty Airport
- Buffy's Orphanage Airstrip
- Bull Harbor Airfield
- Burdeyna Islands Airfield
- Calypso Airstrip
- Camorro Airport
- Campanula Field
- Capone's Abattoir, Construction, and Airfield
- Cassiopea Airport
- CEDOI Airfield
- Cerberus Airstrip
- Cheezberger Airfield
- Cloud Dancer Airfield
- Coconut Community Airfield
- Cookies Airport
- Corsica South Coast Airfield
- Costa Del Este Regional Airport
- Costner Bay Airstrip
- CPM Airfield
- CPM Sansara
- Cutter's Cove Airport & Marina
- Maeve Aerodrome
- Mahera Skyport
- Maho's Atelier
- Mandi's Paradise Skyport
- Marie Louise Aerodrome
- Marina di Eraclea Airport
- Mariner's Isle Marina and Airstrip
- McCallen International Field
- Mellowtron Airfield
- Mercy Medical Airfield
- Mid-World Airstrip
- Midway Airstrip
- Mieto Airfield
- Mimas Airfield
- MLTI Airport
- Molay Airstrip
- Molineux Airport
- Moobthunb Airstrip
- Moonshine Airport
- Moore Heliport
- Morning Wood Logging Camp Airstrip
- Mossimo Airfield
- Motru Airfield
- Mount Mordor Airstrip
- Mousetrap Airstrip
- Munchkinland Airfield
- Palm Grove Airfield
- Palms End Airstrip
- Paradise Dreamers Airfield
- Phobos Heliport
- Phoenix Valkyrie Airport
- Pikaron's Airstrip
- Pilmar Airport
- Pini Field
- Pink Charters Airport
- Pirate Bay Airport
- Playa de San Cataldo
- Port Icarus
- Princess Castle Airfield
- Privilege Airfield
- Pumpkin Patch Airfield