Napoli Air is a non-commercial virtual airline in Second Life®. Napoli serves the Second Life® Grid with commuter travel between regional airports in the Blake Sea, Nautilus, Corsica, and Satori continents.
Napoli Air was established in the early parts of 2015, by the current owner and Chief Executive Officer ʆЄƦƖƇӇƠ ИåṖѺŁɪ (nightdr). The airline was established to give passengers an unparalleled experience while being a passenger of a flight within Second Life. It's first hub was created, and is still located at, Aleksandr International Airport. Since then, Napoli has expanded with additional locations at JetNation, and Grenadier Marina & Airport.
As of July 2015, Napoli Air regularly serves the following destinations:
- Aleksandr International Airport (SLAI)
- Baitoushan Intercontinental Airport (SLBA)
- Grenadier Marina & Airport (SLGR)
- Hollywood Airport (SLHA)
- New Horizons Airport (SLNH)
- Nyhavnafjord Regional Airport (SLNA)
- Oniakaloha Aerodrome (SLOA)
- Palm Grove Airfield (SLPG)
- Second Norway Lufthavn (SLSN)
- St Martin Airfield (SLSM)
As of July 2015, the Napoli Air fleet includes the following aircraft: