Second Life Aviation Wiki


The SL Coast Guard is an international group of people, from all walks of life with a single common factor; the enjoyment of safe boating.

Their goal in the various virtual worlds is to teach those interested, real life safe boating courses from within the virtual world. Whether Sailing, PWC or motor boating is your thing, knowledge of safe boating practices is an important thing to have.

Their secondary mission is to assist any land owner with water access in the setting up, education and maintaining of a proper “Aids To Navigation” system. Their goal is to one day have proper ATON systems in place throughout the virtual worlds.

The SL Coast Guard counts ~200 active members, there are multiple activities, trainings or drills each day of the week.

Patrol Activity

The SL Coast Guard patrols the air- and waterways of Second Life. Residents may be offered a PFD - personal flotation device (a life-vest) and they are looking for lost boats and planes as well as obstructions to waterways. The SL Coast Guard has no formal authority on any of these matters, so their approach is strictly kind and friendly.


The SL Coast Guard offers a lot of trainings and activities to their members. These range from SAR Training over all things boating, sailing, diving, skydiving, medical roleplay and more. Once a member completed their recruit phase, they're free to pick up any training they wish to pursue.

Rescue Services

The SL Coast Guard monitors groupchats, VirtualVHF Channels and their own issued mayday-gear for incoming maydays. Upon receiving, the mayday caller is contacted to verify their call is a genuine offer for rescue roleplay. Once this is verified, a team is formed and gathers at the geographically nearest SL Coast Guard facility to start the rescue. Rescue by the SL Coast Guard is not meant as part of a "race of competing services" and whoever gets first to a survivor but more leaning towards and enjoyable roleplay experience for all parties involved.


The SL Coast Guard is a group of volunteers, supported by countless residents of Second Life. With their kind support, the SL Coast Guard has a lot of facilities all across the grid. There are stations and substations. A station is a full outpost with crew and command while the substations are generally unmanned and serve as starting- or waypoints for patrols and SAR rescues.

District 1

The SL Coast Guard has the following facilities in district 1: 

District 2

The SL Coast Guard has the following facilities in district 2: 

District 3

The SL Coast Guard has the following facilities in district 3: 

  • SLCG Headquarters, Recruit Training Center and Boat Training Center at Qlar Fell
  • SLCG Station Santa Catalina
  • SLCG Station New Horizons
  • SLCG Station Byron Bay
  • SLCG Station Danshire
  • SLCG Substation Acknefar
  • SLCG Substation Agrippa
  • SLCG Substation Antilaghi
  • SLCG Substation Fenstriano
  • SLCG Substation Mignon
  • SLCG Substation Moonberry
  • SLCG Substation Miklagard
  • SLCG Substation Yeeowler
  • SLCG Chapel at Twice Bitten

District 4

The SL Coast Guard has the following facilities in district 4: 

Dismantled facilities

The SL Coast Guard had the following facilities in the past: 
