Second Life Aviation Wiki

Yggdrasil Air (ICAO: YGG / IATA: YA / Call-sign: YGGDRASIL) is a virtual airline company in Second Life®. The airline is owned by Volmarr Njörðarson. It serves the Second Life® grid with travel between all airports across all the mainland continents. They have a group which passengers may join to hear about scheduled flights. They also are available for charter flights.


Founded in spring of 2015 by Volmarr Njörðarson (VolmarrGoth Vollmar). The name of the airlines refers to the World Tree in Norse mythology. The logo for Yggdrasil Air depicts the Norse World Tree, along with Thor's Hammer, and Odin's two ravens. Yggdrasil Air is head-quartered in Second Norway Lufthavn.


Airports in Second Life® served by Yggdrasil Air include:


As of July 2015, the Yggdrasil Air fleet includes the following aircraft:

Flight rules for passengers

  • Passengers are requested to remove all unnecessary scripts.
  • Passengers need to detach any AO while seated.
  • Passengers must remain seated during the flight.
  • Passengers are to obey the directions of the pilot.
  • Please keep gesture use to a minimum so as not to distract the air crew.
  • All Yggdrasil Air employees work on tips.

Yggdrasil Air is hiring for all positions *

  • Pilots
  • Co-Pilots
  • Stewardesses
  • Ground-Crew

*All positions are roleplay only, there is no actual pay other than tips. Employees get to keep 100% of all tips received. Pilots provide own uniform and aircraft. Yggdrasil Air provides airplane paints. Yggdrasil Air provides stewardesses with a uniform.

